All the Newsletter We Can Handle
Interviews, Commentary, Culture & Current Events
with co-hosts Wendy Sheridan and Robin Renée
The Season of ACCEPTANCE
We’re just about back from a short summer hiatus, and we are excited to share what we have in store for the second half of 2021. Our featured conversations will center on aspects of ACCEPTANCE. What does acceptance mean to you? When is it passive and when is it powerful? What things ought we accept? What must we never accept? Body image, physical and mental health, issues of race, religion, and gender… There is so much to dive into with our featured guests and we will get right to it starting with Episode 105.
Longtime listeners will notice we’re trying out a somewhat different format, too. Expect the same interview style alongside our more personal reflections, shuffled a bit for better engaged listening. Let us know what you think!
Do you have a 60-second broadcast-ready promotional ad or PSA? Do you host a podcast and want to do an ad exchange? Contact us for options.
We’re also introducing some space to answer listener questions. What do you want to know? Ask us anything: political, philosophical, reflections on things we’ve discussed or something we missed. Thanks for being an integral part of the shape of progressive conversation.
— Wendy and Robin
Leftscape Latest
Celebrating 100 Episodes!
The Leftscape is proud and excited to celebrate 100 episodes! This installment is one big Why Is This Awesome? as co-hosts Wendy Sheridan and Robin Renée take a look back at favorite conversations along the journey since its beginning in May 2018. LISTEN=>
What the World Needs (Episode 101)
The new documentary film, Angels and Saints – Eros and Awe, grapples with an American culture which has historically seen the body as “bad” and the spirit as “good.” It features a diverse group of clergy, sex educators, therapists, and workshop leaders who have learned to integrate eros with wisdom or spiritual awareness. Combined with dance, music, and poetry, Angels and Saints offers their personal stories and broader insights. Leftscape co-host Robin Renée speaks with Rodney Whittenberg, Emmy-Award-winning “renaissance man” who handled co-production, camera, composing, and editing for the project, and Mx Chris Paige, author of OtherWise Christian: A Guidebook for Transgender Liberation, who appears in the film. LISTEN=>
A Radical Expression of Love (Episode 102)
Sharice Richardson is a nonbinary, queer, Pagan healer and proprietor of Sun Crow Hands-On Healing. They are a Cuddle Sanctuary trained Professional Cuddler and Level II – Usui Reiki Practitioner, who trained under Reiki Master Sea. Sharice is deeply committed to utilizing the spiritual power of love and compassion to liberate, heal, and energetically transform lives. Having first met years ago in the Rutgers University LGBT activist community, Sharice and Robin catch up on their respective spiritual paths, gender evolution, both/and identities, and muse about political histories and the ultimate importance of love. LISTEN=>
Warning: Triggers (Episode 103)
Genea Barnes is committed to the elevation of humanity. Her work as an Elevation Guide focuses on helping individuals and groups to create greater effectiveness and ease in their lives. Neuro Linguistic Programming and hypnosis are among the tools she uses to neutralize self-sabotaging behavior, unwanted patterns, and emotional triggers with the aim of increasing self-worth and self-esteem. Genea speaks with Wendy Sheridan about elevation, the challenges/opportunities most of us find ourselves in, and what it looks like to apply the healing methods she uses in everyday life. LISTEN=>
Art and Inspiration (Episode 104)
Dr. Edward Vessel is a Senior Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPIEA) in Frankfurt, Germany. His research group, the Visual Neuroaesthetics Lab, uses behavioral and brain imaging techniques to study the psychological and neural basis of aesthetic experiences, such as when a person is aesthetically “moved” by visual art, poetry, architecture, music, or natural landscapes. Listen to learn about his latest research on understanding connections between being moved by art and creative inspiration. LISTEN=>
Our 100th Episode Celebration went from great conversation and insights from former show guests to absurd TMI and much laughter. We shared the audio in two parts over summer break: Listening Party! and Ask Us Anything!
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Check out our recent We Should Be Recording This bonus posts:
“The Technological Human” on how we deal with lapses in tech availability and “Steering the Titanic With a Spoon” on lessons from the pandemic.
Next up: Pornography. Passion? Peril? Problematic?
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