Breaking Down Project 2025 (Episode 161)

cracked American flag faceCo-hosts Robin Renée and Wendy Sheridan discuss the enormous and detailed Project 2025, a collection of policy proposals created by The Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States government in the image of current-day far right conservativism. It seeks to mandate conservative Christian values, dismantle many social programs and government departments, and to provide ready-made policy positions and personnel for the next Republican president. This description barely begins to do justice to the sweeping, detrimental changes this tome proposes. Wendy and Robin begin to look at its elements broadly and anticipate future conversations about Project 2025 along with discovering and taking part in things we can do to keep it from being enacted.

In concert with the featured conversation, Robin sparks a discussion on a video by Innuendo Studios, “Always a Bigger Fish” in the Geekscape for a better understanding of conservative vs. liberal worldviews.

The show begins on a lighter note with a few rewinds to Episode 160 and This Fortnight I Learned facts about Google searches and ants in New York City. News includes the upcoming presidential debate slated for June 27th, the Supreme Court’s end-of-June decisions, a “tactical pause” of the fighting in a portion of Gaza, the continuing adverntures of Trump and Rudy in the Georgia election fraud case, and wild Przewalski’s horses returned to Kazakhstan’s Golden Steppe. For Lefty of the Week, Wendy names local activist Quanae “Pie Lady” Palmer.

Things to do:

Watch “ What is Project 2025?”

Watch “The Alt-Right Playbook: Always a Bigger Fish

Watch “Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Meet the ManhattAnts!


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